Attila Domos: Posted on Friday, January 27, 2012 2:15 AM
August… and even more so, September of 2013 will have the biggest spike in child birth around the world in modern recorded history. Pregnancies will be up, but I think that teen pregnancies will be even higher than the norm, because of these stupid 2012 doom and gloom prophecies. Just what this Earth needs, right? More humans sucking up her resources… lol
Even if people aren’t necessarily thinking about it right now, as we near that all so dreadful day of December 21st, there will be more and more media hoopla about it. It’s going to get people thinking, and some even panicking. I’m betting that many teens, who normally might not have sex, will throw caution to the wind, and have not only sex, but unprotected sex, thinking that “Hey… if the world’s about to end, I ain’t goin’ out a virgin!”
There it is… my prediction for the outcome of December 21st, 2012 is... MORE BABIES! All we can hope for is that all of these new babies, who’ll be entering this world in August and September of 2013, will be an enlightened bunch. Would it be asking too much for them to NOT be a bunch of superstitious monkeys… like the humans that occupy the world today? One can only hope… I’m keepin’ my fingers crossed!
- Attila
"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"
a book by: Attila Domos
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