We all know that war is big business, but war is also very messy, at least wars the way they were fought in the “old days”. Parts of the planet get destroyed and with the types of weapons available to us in today’s day and age, we have the ability to completely annihilate all life on Earth, or at the very least make it incredibly difficult for humans to survive for the next few hundred, if not thousands of years. However, via the use of terrorism, a certain group can control what country they invade, manipulate the citizens, usher in new jobs, guide the masses to give away their freedoms, get the citizens to spy on one another, convince them to allow for unconstitutional searches, yield themselves to martial law and much, much more.
Yes, terrorism is big business; lots of money to be made from it. That is, if you’re one of “the guys”. There was a time when America was built on the backs of the middle class. Our parents and grandparents had jobs in factories, where they created things like cars, food, drinks, clothing, weapons, sports equipment, and the list goes on. Those were the days when we created things; actual things people bought, all over the world. I remember living in Romania in the 70’s, and the excitement I felt when I saw a sticker on a product, that read “Made in USA”. Wherever factories popped up, towns followed. These small towns literally survived because nearly half of the adult population worked at the town’s factory. They then spent the money they earned at the local bars, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.… But, that was then and this is now. We don’t make things anymore; we’re now a service society. Oh, there are still pockets around the country where ordinary folks have jobs at some factory that might make windows or something, but by all in all, those days are gone.
Yes, terrorism is big business; lots of money to be made from it. That is, if you’re one of “the guys”. There was a time when America was built on the backs of the middle class. Our parents and grandparents had jobs in factories, where they created things like cars, food, drinks, clothing, weapons, sports equipment, and the list goes on. Those were the days when we created things; actual things people bought, all over the world. I remember living in Romania in the 70’s, and the excitement I felt when I saw a sticker on a product, that read “Made in USA”. Wherever factories popped up, towns followed. These small towns literally survived because nearly half of the adult population worked at the town’s factory. They then spent the money they earned at the local bars, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.… But, that was then and this is now. We don’t make things anymore; we’re now a service society. Oh, there are still pockets around the country where ordinary folks have jobs at some factory that might make windows or something, but by all in all, those days are gone.

When I look at how quickly the police state grew all over the world, especially since 9/11, for me it raises some questions. What’s going on? Who is the real “enemy of freedom”, if we ever really had such a thing? Is it really a few radical Arabs who live and sneak around in caves? Am I expected to believe that our mighty military, with its vastly superior technology can’t track down a bunch of long-bearded, robe wearing dudes, running around in the desert wearing sandals? About 60% of our tax budget goes to the military, yet I don’t see results. Sure I occasionally hear on the news about them having “killed” some guy whose name I can’t pronounce, nor have I ever heard of, but for all I know this guy doesn’t exist. I mean… it wouldn’t be the first time these “shadow people” pulled a fast one on us simple sheep. Who runs and owns the mainstream media? The same “shadow people” and whoever has the information has the power.
It’s absolutely amazing how an entire industry grew out of “terrorism”. Why just with a quick search I’ve found on-line schools offering more than 50 courses in Counterterrorism, including Explosives & Arson, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Political & Religious Extremism, and Forms of Terrorism - left-wing, right-wing nationalists and separatists.
We now have “anti-terrorism” groups like the CIA, US Secret Service, FBI, NSA, DIA, Homeland Security, and Special Task Forces.
One day guys like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were being trained by the CIA and were assets, the next day they were the biggest threat to “our way of life”.
In 1978 Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, then only a little over two decades later, another Congress passes the Patriot Act.
Police world-wide are being militarized, and the line between soldier and cop is getting more blurred by the day.
We have cameras and other spy equipment everywhere.
We have bullet proof vests, glass, clothing, and even pads and blankets, to be used in our schools.
We have metal detectors in many schools, government buildings, airports, bus terminals, arenas, stadiums and many other places where we would never have had them, 20 or 30 years ago.
The companies that create these products are cashing in on “terrorism”…. BIG TIME! And in case you don’t know… the money always flows up, very little “trickles down”.
We’re constantly creating new weapons with which we’re supposedly going to destroy the “terrorists”, but we never really do… do we? With the ridiculous amounts of money we spend on national security, we’re no safer than any other country in the developed world. Mass shootings keep happening, in spite of what our governments do. In light of these shootings many Americans are ready to give away even more of their civil liberties in exchange for the promise of “safety”, while others run out and stock up on as many weapons and ammo as they can, in fear of the government creating a new amendment to the constitution, which will cancel or render useless the 2nd.
Social media erupts into a war of words between pro and anti-gun advocates on nearly a weekly basis. Yes, as if religion, race, skin color, sex, nationality, political and sports team affiliation, school pride and other issues aren’t enough to drive a wedge between us, we now have another one. But… what if it’s all bullshit? What if it’s all made for TV nonsense, to control us, and even more importantly… for the select few families and their cronies to profit? Does it sound crazy? Entertain the idea; don’t simply dismiss it as “ridiculous”.
The first thing you must understand is that in the eyes of the elite, our lives don’t matter. You don’t matter… I don’t matter… we’re literally nothing more to these people than cattle, whose social security numbers are traded on the stock market.
The next thing you need to know is right in the name of the system under which this country supposedly operates…. capitalism. The idea behind capitalism is to “capitalize” on everything. Under this system these very people “capitalize” on your health, thoughts, ideas, weather, food, clothing, shelter… there’s literally nothing from which they don’t make money, and loads of it. So, would it be that crazy to create an entire way of life based on “terrorism”? If you control the act, you can control the response, and which companies will profit from it. We already know who was behind the creation of Al Qaeda, ISIL, ISIS, and all of these other “terror groups”, so for them to create something like this isn’t a far fetch.
I find it interesting that when the 1%-ers need some legislation passed, they seem to always get their man/woman into the right political office, who is going to help pass that legislation they want. Never seems to fail. Yet, when it comes to guns, they can’t ever get it done? Don’t get me wrong, there are way too many guns in this world, and it would be impossible to get them off the streets. That genie is long out of the bottle. But they could make a real attempt at it, yet they never really do, do they? It’s like the war on drugs. They haven’t legalized drugs because too many of the “right people” are making money from it. Well, it’s no different with guns, except the opposite. They’ll never ILLEGALIZE it, because they’re making so much money from it. Then… they mock us, to boot! Every time there’s a shooting somewhere, president Obama goes on TV and talks about how “things like this don’t happen in other countries”… even though this very thing happened only a couple of weeks ago, in the very country and city from where he’s giving his speech. But it never really goes any further than that.
No, the more I observe the behavior of our “leaders”, the more it tells me that I’m looking at the future. They quietly built an entire economy based on “terrorism”, and they’ll continue forward with it, because they’re making barrels of money by the second. Remember… your life, my life and our children’s lives don’t matter. These people see themselves as living gods, and we’re here merely to entertain them. Hey… from their point of view, as long as business is booming, they’d be crazy to change strategy. Would you?
It’s absolutely amazing how an entire industry grew out of “terrorism”. Why just with a quick search I’ve found on-line schools offering more than 50 courses in Counterterrorism, including Explosives & Arson, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Political & Religious Extremism, and Forms of Terrorism - left-wing, right-wing nationalists and separatists.
We now have “anti-terrorism” groups like the CIA, US Secret Service, FBI, NSA, DIA, Homeland Security, and Special Task Forces.
One day guys like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were being trained by the CIA and were assets, the next day they were the biggest threat to “our way of life”.
In 1978 Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, then only a little over two decades later, another Congress passes the Patriot Act.
Police world-wide are being militarized, and the line between soldier and cop is getting more blurred by the day.
We have cameras and other spy equipment everywhere.
We have bullet proof vests, glass, clothing, and even pads and blankets, to be used in our schools.
We have metal detectors in many schools, government buildings, airports, bus terminals, arenas, stadiums and many other places where we would never have had them, 20 or 30 years ago.
The companies that create these products are cashing in on “terrorism”…. BIG TIME! And in case you don’t know… the money always flows up, very little “trickles down”.
We’re constantly creating new weapons with which we’re supposedly going to destroy the “terrorists”, but we never really do… do we? With the ridiculous amounts of money we spend on national security, we’re no safer than any other country in the developed world. Mass shootings keep happening, in spite of what our governments do. In light of these shootings many Americans are ready to give away even more of their civil liberties in exchange for the promise of “safety”, while others run out and stock up on as many weapons and ammo as they can, in fear of the government creating a new amendment to the constitution, which will cancel or render useless the 2nd.
Social media erupts into a war of words between pro and anti-gun advocates on nearly a weekly basis. Yes, as if religion, race, skin color, sex, nationality, political and sports team affiliation, school pride and other issues aren’t enough to drive a wedge between us, we now have another one. But… what if it’s all bullshit? What if it’s all made for TV nonsense, to control us, and even more importantly… for the select few families and their cronies to profit? Does it sound crazy? Entertain the idea; don’t simply dismiss it as “ridiculous”.
The first thing you must understand is that in the eyes of the elite, our lives don’t matter. You don’t matter… I don’t matter… we’re literally nothing more to these people than cattle, whose social security numbers are traded on the stock market.
The next thing you need to know is right in the name of the system under which this country supposedly operates…. capitalism. The idea behind capitalism is to “capitalize” on everything. Under this system these very people “capitalize” on your health, thoughts, ideas, weather, food, clothing, shelter… there’s literally nothing from which they don’t make money, and loads of it. So, would it be that crazy to create an entire way of life based on “terrorism”? If you control the act, you can control the response, and which companies will profit from it. We already know who was behind the creation of Al Qaeda, ISIL, ISIS, and all of these other “terror groups”, so for them to create something like this isn’t a far fetch.
I find it interesting that when the 1%-ers need some legislation passed, they seem to always get their man/woman into the right political office, who is going to help pass that legislation they want. Never seems to fail. Yet, when it comes to guns, they can’t ever get it done? Don’t get me wrong, there are way too many guns in this world, and it would be impossible to get them off the streets. That genie is long out of the bottle. But they could make a real attempt at it, yet they never really do, do they? It’s like the war on drugs. They haven’t legalized drugs because too many of the “right people” are making money from it. Well, it’s no different with guns, except the opposite. They’ll never ILLEGALIZE it, because they’re making so much money from it. Then… they mock us, to boot! Every time there’s a shooting somewhere, president Obama goes on TV and talks about how “things like this don’t happen in other countries”… even though this very thing happened only a couple of weeks ago, in the very country and city from where he’s giving his speech. But it never really goes any further than that.
No, the more I observe the behavior of our “leaders”, the more it tells me that I’m looking at the future. They quietly built an entire economy based on “terrorism”, and they’ll continue forward with it, because they’re making barrels of money by the second. Remember… your life, my life and our children’s lives don’t matter. These people see themselves as living gods, and we’re here merely to entertain them. Hey… from their point of view, as long as business is booming, they’d be crazy to change strategy. Would you?
- Attila -
"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"
a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"
a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle