<![CDATA[Home - Attila\'s Blog]]>Fri, 20 Dec 2024 02:02:49 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[TERRORISM... the economy of the future?]]>Sun, 06 Dec 2015 05:02:02 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/terrorism-the-economy-of-the-futurePicture
We all know that war is big business, but war is also very messy, at least wars the way they were fought in the “old days”. Parts of the planet get destroyed and with the types of weapons available to us in today’s day and age, we have the ability to completely annihilate all life on Earth, or at the very least make it incredibly difficult for humans to survive for the next few hundred, if not thousands of years. However, via the use of terrorism, a certain group can control what country they invade, manipulate the citizens, usher in new jobs, guide the masses to give away their freedoms, get the citizens to spy on one another, convince them to allow for unconstitutional searches, yield themselves to martial law and much, much more.

Yes, terrorism is big business; lots of money to be made from it. That is, if you’re one of “the guys”. There was a time when America was built on the backs of the middle class. Our parents and grandparents had jobs in factories, where they created things like cars, food, drinks, clothing, weapons, sports equipment, and the list goes on. Those were the days when we created things; actual things people bought, all over the world. I remember living in Romania in the 70’s, and the excitement I felt when I saw a sticker on a product, that read “Made in USA”. Wherever factories popped up, towns followed. These small towns literally survived because nearly half of the adult population worked at the town’s factory. They then spent the money they earned at the local bars, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.… But, that was then and this is now. We don’t make things anymore; we’re now a service society. Oh, there are still pockets around the country where ordinary folks have jobs at some factory that might make windows or something, but by all in all, those days are gone.  

When I look at how quickly the police state grew all over the world, especially since 9/11, for me it raises some questions. What’s going on? Who is the real “enemy of freedom”, if we ever really had such a thing? Is it really a few radical Arabs who live and sneak around in caves? Am I expected to believe that our mighty military, with its vastly superior technology can’t track down a bunch of long-bearded, robe wearing dudes, running around in the desert wearing sandals? About 60% of our tax budget goes to the military, yet I don’t see results. Sure I occasionally hear on the news about them having “killed” some guy whose name I can’t pronounce, nor have I ever heard of, but for all I know this guy doesn’t exist. I mean… it wouldn’t be the first time these “shadow people” pulled a fast one on us simple sheep. Who runs and owns the mainstream media? The same “shadow people” and whoever has the information has the power.

It’s absolutely amazing how an entire industry grew out of “terrorism”. Why just with a quick search I’ve found on-line schools offering more than 50 courses in Counterterrorism, including Explosives & Arson, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Political & Religious Extremism, and Forms of Terrorism - left-wing, right-wing nationalists and separatists.

We now have “anti-terrorism” groups like the CIA, US Secret Service, FBI, NSA, DIA, Homeland Security, and Special Task Forces.

One day guys like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were being trained by the CIA and were assets, the next day they were the biggest threat to “our way of life”.

In 1978 Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, then only a little over two decades later, another Congress passes the Patriot Act.

Police world-wide are being militarized, and the line between soldier and cop is getting more blurred by the day.

We have cameras and other spy equipment everywhere.

We have bullet proof vests, glass, clothing, and even pads and blankets, to be used in our schools.

We have metal detectors in many schools, government buildings, airports, bus terminals, arenas, stadiums and many other places where we would never have had them, 20 or 30 years ago.

The companies that create these products are cashing in on “terrorism”…. BIG TIME! And in case you don’t know… the money always flows up, very little “trickles down”.

We’re constantly creating new weapons with which we’re supposedly going to destroy the “terrorists”, but we never really do… do we? With the ridiculous amounts of money we spend on national security, we’re no safer than any other country in the developed world. Mass shootings keep happening, in spite of what our governments do. In light of these shootings many Americans are ready to give away even more of their civil liberties in exchange for the promise of “safety”, while others run out and stock up on as many weapons and ammo as they can, in fear of the government creating a new amendment to the constitution, which will cancel or render useless the 2nd.

Social media erupts into a war of words between pro and anti-gun advocates on nearly a weekly basis. Yes, as if religion, race, skin color, sex, nationality, political and sports team affiliation, school pride and other issues aren’t enough to drive a wedge between us, we now have another one. But… what if it’s all bullshit? What if it’s all made for TV nonsense, to control us, and even more importantly… for the select few families and their cronies to profit? Does it sound crazy? Entertain the idea; don’t simply dismiss it as “ridiculous”.

The first thing you must understand is that in the eyes of the elite, our lives don’t matter. You don’t matter… I don’t matter… we’re literally nothing more to these people than cattle, whose social security numbers are traded on the stock market.

The next thing you need to know is right in the name of the system under which this country supposedly operates…. capitalism. The idea behind capitalism is to “capitalize” on everything. Under this system these very people “capitalize” on your health, thoughts, ideas, weather, food, clothing, shelter… there’s literally nothing from which they don’t make money, and loads of it. So, would it be that crazy to create an entire way of life based on “terrorism”? If you control the act, you can control the response, and which companies will profit from it. We already know who was behind the creation of Al Qaeda, ISIL, ISIS, and all of these other “terror groups”, so for them to create something like this isn’t a far fetch.

I find it interesting that when the 1%-ers need some legislation passed, they seem to always get their man/woman into the right political office, who is going to help pass that legislation they want. Never seems to fail. Yet, when it comes to guns, they can’t ever get it done? Don’t get me wrong, there are way too many guns in this world, and it would be impossible to get them off the streets. That genie is long out of the bottle. But they could make a real attempt at it, yet they never really do, do they? It’s like the war on drugs. They haven’t legalized drugs because too many of the “right people” are making money from it. Well, it’s no different with guns, except the opposite. They’ll never ILLEGALIZE it, because they’re making so much money from it. Then… they mock us, to boot! Every time there’s a shooting somewhere, president Obama goes on TV and talks about how “things like this don’t happen in other countries”… even though this very thing happened only a couple of weeks ago, in the very country and city from where he’s giving his speech. But it never really goes any further than that.

No, the more I observe the behavior of our “leaders”, the more it tells me that I’m looking at the future. They quietly built an entire economy based on “terrorism”, and they’ll continue forward with it, because they’re making barrels of money by the second. Remember… your life, my life and our children’s lives don’t matter. These people see themselves as living gods, and we’re here merely to entertain them. Hey… from their point of view, as long as business is booming, they’d be crazy to change strategy. Would you?

-  Attila  -

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"  

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[Space, Time and Your Soul]]>Thu, 15 Oct 2015 05:55:20 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/space-time-and-your-soulPicture
We’re all familiar with the concept of the “soul”. It’s an idea that’s been passed down through the thousands of generations since the first humans asked “who am I, and why am I here”. Yet, there’s little proof of the existence of one. Sure, there’s the photo by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov (photo to the left), and the 1907 experiment by Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Haverhill, Massachusetts, whose extensive study and research of the matter concluded that the soul indeed is measurable, and according to his experiments, it weighs 21.3 grams. But… overwhelmingly what we know about the soul is legend, myth, fairytales passed down from generation to generation.

For the sake of this blog, let’s assume that the soul is indeed a real thing. For many people it’s a comforting thought that this life isn’t it. In fact… as much as we try to think of our existence on this little blue planet as “reality”, I’ve never see it that way, mainly because I don’t know if “reality” has a beginning or and/or an end. We know that our existence does, but does “reality”? Regardless, many people have different beliefs when it comes to the soul.

Some believe that after a person dies his/her soul goes to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. Others believe it will reincarnate as an animal or another person. Yet others believe that the soul becomes free to roam the Universe, and there’s even the belief that our Moon was put in place as a sort of a “soul catcher”. These are all wonderful and heartwarming thoughts (except for the Moon one, that one is pretty sinister) but ever since I was a child, they seemed simplistic, to me. These were ideas thought up by people who didn’t know much about their surroundings, and did the best they could, with what little they knew. After all, that’s pretty much all we can do as humans. Come up with a theory, and when new evidence presents itself, reassess said theory. The problem is that most folks do not like their beliefs questioned. In fact, most people don’t even want to think about things, they simply want to be told that this is how shit is, and that’s that. As a result, it often takes generations for a new idea to break through.

Quantum physics is one of these modern marvels which, for me, is very exciting. To learn how photons, neutrons, electrons, protons, quarks, tachyons and other particles and subatomic particles behave, tells us a whole lot about the makeup of our Universe, not only the physicality of it, but also the time variable. One of my favorite examples of “reality is stranger than fiction” comes from the DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT. It’s an experiment first accomplished about a century ago, but scientists at that time weren’t quite sure what to make of it. However, as time went by, more and more scientists recreated it in different ways, and the results were always the same. It showed us that matter does not exist, unless we observe it, and when a particle is shot at the double slits, it creates every possible outcome, all at the same time! This concept is mind-blowing. Where does reality go, when we’re not watching? 

What gets even more mind blowing is M-theory or Membrane Theory, which grew out of the frustration of 5 different versions of String Theory first invented in the 80’s as a way to explain the universe like a resonating thing, much like the strings of a violin or cello. [M-theory isn’t complete, but the underlying structure of the mathematics has been established and is in agreement with all the string theories. Furthermore, it has passed many tests of internal mathematical consistency.] - Wikipedia

M-theory proves via mathematics that we likely live in a Multiverse, and not a Universe. Well… we live in our Universe, which is one in a collection of infinite amount of Universes, to create the Multiverse. And things get even stranger. Combine M-theory with the Double Slit Experiment, and this suggests that nothing in existence can make a wrong or right choice, alone. At any time in your life when you have to make a choice, you make every possible choice. In other words, if you come to a 4-way intersection, and you think to yourself “which way should I turn, left, go straight or make a right”, you end up making all three choices. The membrane creates 3 separate Universes, where the only difference is that in one you turned left, the other you went straight and in the third you made a right. From that point, the three Universes could go into completely different directions, or stay pretty much the same.

So then… what happens to your soul, do you now exist in 3 different Universes. Think about how many choices you’ve made in your life, from birth to whatever age you are currently, and that would mean that you exist in thousands of Universes, if not hundreds of thousands. Is there one true Universe for you, the one in which you were given birth, and if so… is that where your soul resides? Or does your soul also split every single time you create a new Universe, kind of like a single celled organism? If so…. I’m sure there are hundreds or thousands of Universes in which you’re already dead. What happened to those souls? Are they in some kind of sleep state where they’re waiting for all of your souls to combine? 

To further complicate this question, enter the “Block Universe Theory”, which according to Dr. Bradford Skow, an associate professor of philosophy at MIT says that “you’re spread out in time, something like the way you’re spread out in space”. His theory follows another postulated by scientists. They proposed that at the moment of the Big Bang, a ‘mirror universe’ to our own was created that moves in the opposite direction through time – and intelligent beings in each one would perceive the other to be moving backwards through time… … … Trippieeeee!

Well… so much for the simple thought that you “die and your soul goes to Heaven”. To get back to the Double Slit Experiment for a moment, we also learn that there is no such thing is past, present or future. Everything already happened, is happening and will happen at once. Whoa… trying to wrap our tiny brains around this concept can hurt.

The one thing one should take away from our “reality” is that we can only see what our brain is designed to see. We can only truly understand what our brain is designed to understand. Mathematics and physics shows us truly how strange our reality really is. It’s exciting to think about, but impossible to comprehend. Much like an ant can’t comprehend us (humans), because their brains aren’t designed for it, there are likely all kinds of beings around us that we can’t see, because of the limitations of our own brains. Now… some may argue that we make tools in order to see the things our eyes can’t, or hear things our ears can’t hear, this is true. But, unless we know what to look for, we have no way of knowing what type of tool to build.

What does this last paragraph have to do with our souls? Nothing… I don’t think… just something that popped into my head. But as long as we’re talking about the soul, what exactly is it? I’ve asked priests and scholars alike, and in the best case scenario I get a bunch of rambling about stuff. No one really knows. Most people simply believe that it is what gives life and personality to the body. I’m sure you’ve heard people refer to someone as an “old soul” or “evil soul”, etc… I’ve had people tell me that without a soul, you’re nothing more than an animal. Well, I like to think that we’re animals regardless, and if humans have a soul, because it’s what gives life and personality to our bodies, then the same would apply to animals and what about artificial creatures? Beings like Data on Star Trek TNG… does Data not have a soul? Seems like a thing thought up by humans, to make us seem more important than we really are. The way I see it it’s not your soul that makes you a good or smart person, but rather your hard drive and processor… aka… your brain. The more quickly you can process information and the more efficiently you can store it, the more intelligently you’ll come across. It has nothing to do with your “soul”.

I feel like I’ve rambled on long enough about this topic, and no matter how I try to enjoy the simplistic stories of life after death, I can’t ever take them seriously. Compared to everything physics has shown us about the realities of our Multiverse, the old stories are lame. Does our existence in this “reality” have any meaning at all, or is it random and pointless. Do we actually have a “soul” or don’t we? I don’t know, and would never claim to have the answers. One thing I do hope is that there is more after we die, and it’s something similar to one of my favorite movies “Defending Your Life”, by the great Albert Brooks. 

-  Attila  -

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"  

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[Europe's Manufactured Refugee Crisis]]>Thu, 17 Sep 2015 09:30:39 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/europes-manufactured-refugee-crisisPicture
So… now these so called “Syrian refugees” are at the Serbian/Hungarian border, picking a fight with Hungarian police, and still entering the country illegally. They are trying to break through the fence, which Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán had installed along the two nation’s border, to slow down the flood of illegals fleeing into the Central European country; a country rich in the continent’s history and traditions. Of course the lame-stream media, aka the banksters’ propaganda machine, is painting these people as “refugees, attempting to flee to Europe for a better life”, all the while they’re attempting to demonize Hungary and especially her prime minister. Here are some interesting facts people should know, before they believe the “official media’s” story.

I do not believe this has anything to do with genuine Syrian refugees. This has to do with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the fact that they no longer own Hungary’s central bank.

The IMF, which was created in 1944, was cooked up by the world’s elite banking families, under the disguise of “helping level the world’s economy”. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the IMF now acts like a global loan shark. They create a financial crisis in any given country (or region of the world), then rush in with their financial aid, install their puppet leader, and then suck that nation dry of her natural resources and leave said country in even worse shape than before they created the original financial crisis. This is a game these banking families have been playing for a very long time, well before they ever created the IMF.

See… before a couple of years ago, the IMF also owned Hungary’s central bank, but once Viktor Orbán was elected into power, he cleaned house. Figuratively speaking, he tightened Hungary’s belt. He was able to restore financial order and pay off the nation’s debt to the IMF, and then kindly sent them packing. That’s right; this small country of 10 million was able to rid themselves of these financial leaches. He also burned all Monsanto crops, and made it illegal to grow that crap in said country. He then turned his eyes on his predecessors, and had members of former regimes, who were found guilty of acting against the interest of the Hungarian people, thrown into prison. I don’t know about you, but to me, it sounds like we could have used this guy after the “housing bubble” collapse.  Imagine that… a president who actually looks out for the welfare of his people? Unheard of in American politics. So… here we are today, dealing with a manufactured crisis in Europe. How do I know that this is manufactured? Well, it’s not hard to see what’s going on, if you open your eyes.

By far, the over whelming majority of “refugees” from “Syria” are Muslim. Why on Earth are they “fleeing” toward Europe, when right next door, in Saudi Arabia, is “Tent City”… a city of 100,000 air conditioned tents, that can hold up to 3million people? Why isn’t the “international community” pressing Saudi Arabia about this? Because they’ve been ordered NOT to, after all, that country is Muslim and the refugees are Muslim. It only makes perfect sense to place them where they can easily be cared for, where their culture wouldn’t clash with that of their host nation, yet the Saud family won’t allow any of them into their country? OK, well… it could just be a coincidence, so let’s look at another fun fact.


It’s been reported on many independent media outlets, that nearly 90% of the “Syrian refugees” don’t have any identification to PROVE that they’re indeed Syrians. Yes… everyone from the Mid-East is now a “Syrian”. Well, perhaps this too could be just a crazy circumstance.


Why are all of these young men of fighting age supposedly fleeing their own country, to go fight other country(ies)? And… why would they leave the women and children behind, to fight Syria’s civil war? This makes no sense at all. After all, if I check my history books, I’m pretty sure that when the US was going through her civil war, our boys in the North and South fought each other, and didn’t invade Canada and Mexico.


Why would these “helpless refugees”, refuse water, food and other aid, when the only thing asked of them is that if they choose to stay in Hungary, they need to be registered? This is a most reasonable demand. Talk about an insanely over reaction? You wouldn’t even expect a reaction this crazy from a teenaged girl experiencing her first menstrual cycle.


It is incredibly easy to buy forged Syrian passports. In Turkey, they’re easier to buy than a new pair of blue jeans. As a matter of fact, the UK has beefed up its security in looking for fake Syrians, after nearly 4,000 blank Syrian passports were reportedly stolen in 2014.


Oh… and there’s that little bitty about the “aid package” meant for the “Syrian refugees”, which was intercepted by the Greek coast guard, only to have been found it contain nothing but weapons and ammunition.


Then there’s the huge problem happening in Germany’s refugee camps, where women are being raped and beaten inside the camps, and it’s also said that some of the women are being forced into prostitution. Do you mean to tell me that the Syrian people are such animals that they would commit these heinous acts against their own women and children? Yeah, didn’t make much sense to me, either. But, the lame-stream media hasn’t bothered to cover this story, because it would go against their cover story.


Here’s what I see happening.

The IMF wants back Hungary’s central bank. That’s a lot of money and resources they’re missing out on. So, they took advantage of an opportunity. While these rascally banksters were busy destabilizing Syria,  they had a chance to make Hungary pay for the criminal act of “breaking their chains of financial slavery”, so they decided to flood Europe with as many young Muslim men of fighting age as possible, and have them pick a fight with Hungary in particular. After all, Hungary has been a good host to many of these “refugees”, until the “refugees” (by design) started acting up. These hand selected “Syrian’s” job is to escalate the situation to the point where UN/US troops will enter the country as “peace keepers”, except their real mission is going to be to remove Viktor Orbán, who… by that point… will be painted as an “evil dictator” by the IMF media machine.

Once they remove Orbán and they install their own puppet, you’ll find that this new prime minister will accept a huge loan from the IMF, to pay for their “war crimes”, and damages caused to other countries. Oh, the IMF’s mission is to make Hungary pay, for daring to go against the machine. See, the IMF isn’t going to lose any money, and should Europeans and Arabs die in the process, well, that’s no big deal. They will have Hungary’s central bank back under their flag, and in the end… more money and power is all that matters to these families.

Well Hungary… freedom from international banksters was nice, while it lasted. 

                                                                                                                                                                           -  Attila

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"  

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[ARE YOU "SEXY AND YOU KNOW IT"?]]>Wed, 18 Jun 2014 02:16:06 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/june-17th-2014Picture
So… I was thinking about how after millions of years of evolution, some humans still feel funny about interracial dating. I thought to myself that would all change, once aliens (the outer space variety) become common place on Earth. I figured that at some point they will start mingling and even having sex, getting married to, etc… with humans. Kind of like in all of our favorite Sci-fi shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien Nation, V, and on and on. Oh… imagine the uproar!! … … … Then it hit me…

WHAT IF THEY’RE SIMPLY NOT COMPATIBLE WITH HUMANS? WHAT IF INSTEAD OF HAVING EVOLVED FROM APE-LIKE CREATURES (as we humans did), THESE ALIENS HAD EVOLVED FROM SOME OTHER ANIMAL THAT’S VERY SIMILAR TO AN EARTH CHICKEN, HORSE, LIZARD, OCTOPUS… WHAT EVER? If that were the case, it’s most likely that they wouldn’t find us sexually appealing at all. So, let’s suppose that they evolved from a dog-like creature. Here’s the dilemma they’d face.

We (humans) are intelligent enough apes to communicate with… trade with… perhaps share some ideas with and that sort of thing, but at the end of the day they would want to have sex with our dogs. It would make for a most interestingly weird symbiotic relationship, but with as many crazy jumps and turns as evolution takes, and taken into consideration that planets which can and/or do support life would evolve differently, I don’t think it’s completely out of the realm of possibility.

On Earth, at this moment, we’re the “intelligent” species, the “dominant” ones, but it wasn’t always so… and nothing says that this will last forever. So… the next time you think you’re “sexy and you know it”… it may not only be the case that most humans don’t believe that to be true, but it is very likely that there are super highly advanced and intelligent beings in our galaxy who’d rather bang a dog, cat, lizard, dolphin or a bird, than to bang you. Ouch… the idea of that hurts the ego!

Just a thought...

                                                                                                                                        - Attila

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[DONALD STERLING'S SECRETLY RECORDED REMARKS? OH MY...!!]]>Mon, 28 Apr 2014 20:11:21 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/donald-sterlings-secretly-recorded-remarks-oh-myPicture
Not sure if I'm late to this party, but I just heard the secretly recorded tape of Donald Sterling spewing some pretty racists shit, last night.

For those of you, like me... who've not yet heard the comments, here's a link:     


I had a few hours to digest what I heard, and here's my view on the matter.

Was what Donald Sterling said in bad taste? YES. At the very least he's a hypocrite (since his girlfriend is half black... in the pic next to Sterling), at worst he's a racist, but he IS covered under the first amendment. Free speech means occasionally hearing people's opinions no matter how moronic you may think it is, or how uncomfortable it might make you feel. Besides... I'm not sure why anyone would feel Sterling's view is that different from many folks who live a "privileged" life. Many of your 1%-ers have similar views, and it's not limited to one particular color or race.

That said... Getting upset and following dinks like Sharpton and/or Jackson into rioting is even more stupid. It accomplishes nothing. "Demanding" Sterling's resignation also isn't the way to go. It only serves to show people's lack of respect for the US constitution and everything it stands for. There's NOTHING more important to our liberties, than FREE SPEECH! Once that's gone, what ever is left, no longer matters.

If the Clippers players are really offended by his comments, I can't tell. I mean... that lame boycott of wearing the unies inside out, so the Clippers logo doesn't show tells me nothing and accomplishes even less.
If they truly want to send a message, I suggest they forfeit their contracts and the millions of dollars Sterling is paying them and walk out on the team. Not after the playoffs is over, or if/when they get bounced from the playoffs, but RIGHT NOW! The amount of money Donald Sterling, the Clippers, Staple Center, City of Los Angeles, NBA and who knows now many other groups and people will lose, would send a serious message. Any player worth even half the value of his contract will be snatched up by another team. But... this won't happen. After all... the millionaire athletes may whine a bit, but they won't bite the hand that feeds them, which in this case happens to be Sterling.

If you are personally offended, and want to show your outrage in a manner that can actually have an impact, my suggestion is simple. Don't like Donald Sterling? Don't buy Clippers tickets. Don't go to a Clippers game. Don't go to the staples center for any event, including tonight's Kings/Sharks hockey game. If you live in another town that has an NBA team, don't buy a ticket to any game that involves the Clippers. If the NBA has a similar revenue sharing system to the NFL's, stop supporting the NBA. There are MANY other ways to show your outrage toward what he said, than "rioting" or attacking the 1st amendment to our dear constitution, which does nothing other than to make every one who shares Sterling's views say... "See? Donald is right!"

                                                                                                                                           - Attila

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[ASSESSMENT OF EARTH HUMANS]]>Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:48:16 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/assessment-of-earth-humansPosted on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 3:08 PM

Assessment of Earth Humans through eyes of Knowledge Seeker Rai-meti...

Overlord Dul-gaat...

I, Rai-meti, have spent my past 130 Dragsdu Sun-Circles on Planet 3 (local Earth). This planet has much water and an incredible amount of diversity in life forms. While having carefully studied the many Earth species, the humans are far and away the most technologically evolved. They are clearly the dominant creature of this planet. While there are many other species which are stronger, faster, bigger, more venomous and much more adapt for the hunt, the humans… through our genetic brain enhancements… have built weapons that no other creature on Earth can defend against. They have created incredible tools, not only for war, but also for science and comfort. Technologically, they have come a long way from the early apes we enhanced over 45,000 Sun-Circles ago.
Having said that… - … while humans have made great leaps in technology, their emotional and intellectual growth has been stunned. Mentally, they are not much more advanced than the ape-creatures we enhanced all those many Sun-Circles ago. Even since so much time, they are still ruled by their emotions. These newer version of ape-creatures (humans) are capable of great love, yet… they will kill in the name of that same great love. They are capable of compassion, reason and understanding, yet they choose to be ruled by fear, bigotry and tyranny. This species is very confused, and when the humans are confused, they will resort to violence rather than intellect. They prefer to not accept responsibility for their actions, but rather blame their problems on objects.
In their eyes, the problem is never with them. If there were no such thing as alcohol (a fluid substance which temporarily poisons their brain) and vehicles, there would be no alcohol related vehicular homicide. While this statement is technically accurate, it shifts blame from humans, to inanimate objects. This is how they reason, and instead of treating the problem itself (the humans), they create a long list of laws, which they claim are designed to deter human action.
They are still prone to petty emotions like hate and jealously. They will go through great lengths to conspire against one another, rather than to simply sit down and discuss their differences. They are reluctant to change. I will go a step further and say that many of them resent change. To deter change, they will kill their own… the ones with new ideas… especially those ideas which can benefit the entire species.  
This emotional and immature thinking spills into every aspect of their lives. As I stated earlier, they will not seek truth in their own reflection, but rather point at the things which are around them as being the problem. They bicker back and forth about the need for more weapons laws, even though they already have thousands of them in their rules for living. When I personally examined the statistics of violent murders on this planet via ordinary kitchen utensils, it gave me a more accurate assessment of just how dysfunctional humans really are. They need to stop with the attempt to ban inanimate objects. They are just that... INANIMATE! While they do not (on their own) heal, they neither (on their own) kill.  Having observed this species for as long as I have, I am only able to come to one conclusion.  


HUMANS … are responsible for more murder than anything else planet Earth has had the misfortune of allowing to evolve.  Humans kill plants, mammals, amphibians, insects, fish, birds, water, air, soil, bacteria, and anything else that has the misfortune of crossing their path.
HUMANS … do not only kill for survival... they kill for recreation, and any other reason they see fit.

HUMANS … are willing and often do kill over petty emotions.
HUMANS … will kill one another over physical possessions.
HUMANS … will freely enslave one another, if allowed to do so.
It is my assessment, great Overlord Dul-gaat, that at some point we are going to have to correct our mistake. These beings are coming dangerously close to having the ability to carry their mentally defective thoughts and ideas onto other planets. At the rate of their technological evolution, it is only a matter of time before humans will infuse their immature nature into other developing planets which carry “intelligent” life.


Serving intergalactic consciousness,

Knowledge Seeker Rai-meti

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase YourDreams" 

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[HOW DOES HAVING TWO AMERICAS, AFFECT YOU?]]>Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:40:37 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/how-does-having-two-americas-affect-youAttila Domos: Posted on Friday, July 19, 2013 4:15 AM Picture
This particular blog was inspired by a black friend of mine, and is more serious than my usual "goofy" ones. He posed a good question on Facebook in regards to the George Zimmerman trial, his acquittal and the subsequent media circus and riots which ensued. In a nutshell, my friend's question was this.

"What do you tell your children about what just happened, and what type of lesson could, perhaps even should, they learn from it." Below is (was) my response.

I would be completely honest with my child(ren). I would explain to them all about how America was stolen back by the Britt bankers in 1871, how they created a phony corporate version of the u.s. and how they hate America, but love this idea of melting pot because it's very easy to turn the less educated citizens against one another.

I would also teach him(them) about how the CIA was specially created NOT to serve and protect the American people but rather the world's elite and banking interest.

I would teach him(them) examples of how this so called US government has treated her less desirable citizens, like the native Americans and blacks by herding them into camps and/or ghettos, and giving them thing like syphilis, typhoid, alcohol, drugs, guns, cocaine, weed, LSD and every other destructive thing they could think of.

This same government who's supposedly "for the people" is also the one who made sure to give the blacks in the ghettos as much incentive as possible to stay there. Just enough "free stuff" so that they have something to lose. All the while they supply and encourage the black on black violence.

I would teach him(them) that as long as this same government controls the information (via the school system), things will never change. After all... I don't think there's a person still alive who believes that Lee Harvey Oswald was the one who killed JFK, an that James Earl Ray was the one who killed MLK jr. Yet... to this day they still teach these lies to our kids.

I would point out that our school system isn't designed to create thinkers, but rather "good test takers".

I would go on and show them that the national media is not here to "inform them", but rather to get them emotional and to sensationalize everything to the point where the viewers are literally being told how they should feel and react to any ridiculous news story they create. That's right... they no longer report the news, but instead create it.

I would teach and show them these things, so that they can see through the BS, and understand why the media shows what it does, but never mentions important things like "project 60".

While we the people are being fed false history and false dreams, the corporation does what ever it wants. After all... you, me and every other human being with a SS number don''t REALLY exist. We are merely a number with out any real rights. Slavery is alive and well in America, and even though THIS master only resides in about a 10 square mile area, THIS master's reach is far and wide.

I think though the most important thing I would teach him(them) is to think for themselves. Always question... "Why is the media showing me the same image over and over?" Yup son... think for yourself and never EVER stop asking "WHY?".

                                                                                   - Attila
Yes ... I would teach him (them) all of these things, because every one of them played a role in this tragedy, and the madness that ensued.

The links I provided are meant to be a starting point. Look at them, but don't simply take my word on anything. Read other articles, get different points of view, and make your own determination as to what you believe is the truth or lie. We live in the age of information, and there's so much of it out there, that it can be very over whelming. Never EVER just take one person's opinion, and run with it as fact! And keep in mind that corporations, governments and even people in many cases put out misinformation, to confuse matters even more.

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase YourDreams"

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[DON'T LET THE ELITE TAKE MAN-KIND BACK INTO THE DARK AGES!]]>Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:34:15 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/dont-let-the-elite-take-man-kind-back-into-the-dark-agesPosted on Monday, September 24, 2012 1:04 PM
As most of my close friends know, I'm agnostic. To me, an atheist and a theist are two sides of the same coin. That said... there is NOTHING more sacred than FREE SPEECH and the ability to freely express one's self, no matter who or how many it might "offend".

Read the short article I copy & pasted below, because should this kind of nonsensical law ever pass, humanity will be thrown back into the dark ages, and you can kiss any other "right" you THINK you have, goodbye.

The below article was posted verbatim from the "Atheist Foundation of Australia".

Blasphemy Laws – The United Nations is embarking on a dangerous pathPosted on September 23, 2012 at 8:28 pm.

While nominally protecting any religion, blasphemy laws pander to the current wave of Islamic protest. As people in some countries are already being imprisoned and killed for blasphemy as well as apostasy we should all be reminded of the terrible religious inquisitions of the past and stridently defend the hard won right of free speech in modern society.

The Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA) in the strongest possible terms opposes the United Nations moving to a stance where blasphemy will be made a crime. David Nicholls president of the AFA responded today with “It should be emphasised to the UN how irrelevant blasphemy is in a democratic secular society such as Australia and other western countries. We would do well to strongly remind those that propose worldwide blasphemy laws that our opinion of the idea of blasphemy is that it is just a tool to stifle criticism of religion, and in this country we welcome criticism and discussion. Ban Ki-Moon is making a grave error of judgment on this matter and appears to be pandering to the Islamic world.”

Nicholls continued, “Blasphemy laws are essentially religious laws, and will always impose upon people in other religions and the non-religious. Blasphemy laws serve to deny people the right to question, to explore the possibilities or to come to their own conclusions. To artificially restrict the marketplace of ideas only to those imposed by fear and force is to deny people the right to decide for themselves.”

The Atheist Foundation of Australia calls upon the leaders and people of the free world to make their voices heard in defending the right of free speech and expression for all of humanity.

Media Contact:
David Nicholls

President Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Private Mail Bag 6Maitland  SA  5573
Phone: (08) 8835 2269

Email: info@atheistfoundation.org.au

                                                                                       - Attila

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[IS "YES" THE GREATEST ROCK BAND EVER?]]>Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:28:33 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/is-yes-the-greatest-rock-band-everAttila Domos: Posted on Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:58 AM
Yes could very well be the greatest rock band the world has ever heard. “What?”... I know that’s what some of you are saying, but I found that when I break down their music and musicianship, it’s hard for any other band to match them.

“What about the Beatles?” I know that’s what many of you are thinking. After all… no band has been more influential in Rock ‘n Roll than them… well… that’s a yes and a no. The Beatles were great song writers and good performers, but I don’t know too many musicians who “wanted to play like the Beatles”. I mean… really… when I was a kid, Ringo was my favorite Beatle (because of how goofy he was), but there isn’t a beginner drummer in the world, who can’t play like Ringo, after only a few short months if not weeks.

While I think that we’ve seen many top quality bands in our life time, bans such as The Beatles, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Genesis, Van Halen, Rush, Nine Inch Nails, Def Leppard, Queen, Journey, Pink Floyd, Supertramp, The Police, etc… those band all have a weakness in one area or another. But, when it came to Yes, I couldn’t find a single weakness anywhere.

I cringe when I hear someone utter the moronic words “I know what I like”. No… no… you… don’t. Let me break this down so the laymen (non-musician) can understand. While art, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder… let’s face it… there are a whole lot of you out there with a butt-ugly spouse. Right now I’m speaking strictly about looks, not personality or the size of his/her bank account. To YOU he/she might be beautiful, perhaps even a 9 or a 10, but in reality… when judged next to super models, the love of your life is a 5, at best! Well, music… or for that matter, any form of art is only truly appreciated by those who have studied many types, and it really helps if they have “on the field experience” aka… do it for a living.

While not all artists may share the same taste when it comes to certain giants in their field, all artists whose talent is worth a damn will tip their cap in the presence of greatness. I guess what I’m getting at is that you’d be very hard pressed to find real musicians, from any genre, say anything negative about any of the members of Yes. These guys are REAL musicians, who would likely do well in any genre they decided to play. You can’t say the same about too many other bands.

One of the things I love about Yes is that musically speaking, they made a great transition from experimental rock into commercial rock and as far as I’m concerned, they reached their peak of perfection in the 1980’s, with albums such as “90125” and “Big Generator”. 90125 was especially popular and got a lot of play on Mtv and many commercial rock and pop radio stations. Songs like “Owner of a Lonely Heart” and “Leave It” constantly floated on top of the charts, seemingly forever. But what I really loved about 90125 was everything! Every song was very well written, arranged and sounded clean and crisp. From the drum tracks to the vocals… everything was clean and had a real beauty to it.

Yes could have taken the safe route and pumped out about four or five more 90125s, like many other bands, who… once they “find their sound”, seem to mail it in and put out a bunch of cookie-cutter impersonations of their first successful album, but not Yes. Oh no… “Big Generator” had a very different sound, an even richer one. As a musician, I very much respect any other musicians, who aren’t afraid to experiment with new sounds. It’s one reason why I love Nine Inch Nails and Van Halen. Both Trent Reznor and Eddie Van Halen are always trying something different. Sometimes it works, sometimes it is crap, but I have much respect for those artists who’re always finding new ways to invent their music. Madonna is also a great example of this.

I like to score bands 1 to 10 in different criteria. It’s the way my brain calculates the value of every band. The things I rate are:

1 - MUSICIANSHIP. (How well do the band’s members play their instrument?)

2 - GROWTH. (How much does a band’s music grow from album to album?)

3 – EXPERIMENTAL FACTOR. (How bold are they? Are they simply in it for the money, or are they putting out some real music, between the bubble-gum crap they HAVE to record, in order to sell albums.

4 – RANGE. (Do they have many gears or are they stuck in top gear only… kind of like AC/DC? Can they write beautiful ballads and rock the hell out of an arena?)

5 – WOW FACTOR. (What I mean by this is how big and rich of a sound to they have? This is not the most important criteria, it’s simply a preference of mine. I like a band to sound full… rich… big… what ever you want to call it. I’m not overly impressed by acoustic acts.)
When I put many bands under this type of microscope, only Yes got a perfect 50, (10 points for each criteria.) The Police came in at a close second. They might have climbed higher if they’d put out more albums. That’s not to say that other bands suck. Quite the contrary… all the ones I’ve mentioned are very good, and I didn’t even mention many others simply because these bands rolled off the top of my head and I didn’t want to fill entire paragraphs with nothing more than band names.

There are many bands who came along during rock ‘n roll’s experimental days. Bands like the Greatful Dead, Genesis, Rush, Led Zeppelin, even the Beatles got into the groove of things and got away from their original Rock-a-Billy sound, but none of those bands found the commercial success like Yes. Genesis did, but once they got their “pop” sound down, they didn’t deviate too far from it. Phil Collins and the gang were rolling in the money, and they must have liked it like that. Don’t get me wrong… I LOVE Genesis and even Phil Collins’ solo material, but it’s definitely more “poppy” than Yes. The thing I loved most about Yes’ new found 80’s pop success was that they never really stopped being Yes… or… experimenting. Even after having found commercial success, their music sounded completely unique, rich, and beautiful and probably the most true to what I’d call “experimental pop”.

There was only one weakness in Yes and that was in their fans. Yes’ ultimate downfall was that the original Yes fans, the ones who loved the earlier “hippie-ish” albums, like “Tomato” and “Yesterdays” hated the new Yes… the band that was getting rave revues… the band who’s songs were now at or under 5 minutes and getting pop-radio air time. I was fortunate enough to have seen Yes on their “Big Generator” tour, and I couldn’t believe my eyes, when I saw a half-empty Civic Arena. This band, who went through such a transition over the years, and kept pumping out high quality music, was now abandoned by their early pot smoking and peace loving hippie fan base.

They managed to play in sold out venues on their next tour for “Reunion”, which was a bit of a trick-pony, since the tour featured all of the members of Yes, former and current. This, of course… brought back the old Yes fans, along with the new ones. But…

I think the greatest Yes album of all time could be the one that wasn’t even released with the bands name, but rather the four members who played on it. The album was “Anderson, Breuford, Wakeman & Howe”. This gem of an album combined Yes’ 70’s experimental beginnings with the super high quality studio mixes and pop hooks of the 80’s. Songs like “Brother of Mine” and “Order of the Universe” had me singing out loud in my car, as I raced down the highway doing a comfortable 90 mph. I loved the album so much that I actually took the time to transcribe “Order of the Universe” to sheet music. I don’t know why I did it… it just needed to be done!

So… why isn’t Yes “more popular”? Well, one reason is that they’re musically too gifted, and they carried their talents right into their song writing. They aren’t an easy band to cover. It’s not to say that there are no Yes cover bands, I’m just saying that a person who’s only been playing a guitar for a few months can play songs like “Start Me Up” or “Hell’s Bells”… but to play most Yes songs, takes a bit of skill. Most poser musicians drop out way before they ever get to the level where they’re playing Yes’ tunes.

To sum it up… I’m not putting down YOUR favorite band, I’m just telling you to try and use my five criteria to judge any band, film, director, actor, work of art, etc… don’t just run along with what’s being pumped into your brain via TV or radio. After all… look at what happened with music? If you notice… how “pretty” or “sexy” an artist is, isn’t even part of my criteria. Unfortunately… it’s a top 3 in most of yours’ and as a result, real music is now on life support.

                                                                                                                       - Attila

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle
<![CDATA[TIME TRAVEL, YOUR TESTICLES AND YOU!]]>Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:21:53 GMThttp://attiladomos.com/attilas-blog/time-travel-your-testicles-and-youAttila Domos: Posted on Wednesday, May 09, 2012 9:55 PM Picture
Time travel… who’s not fascinated with the idea? I bet everyone would love to go back in time to either change something for themselves, save the fate of a loved one, bet on a “sure win Superbowl” or to simply meet an idol from history. It’s something that has gripped mankind’s imagination for a long time. Long before Hollywood turned out great movies like “Time Machine”, “Time Bandits”, “Back to the Future”, etc… but… is it theoretically possible? I’m no astrophysicist, nor am I even very good with numbers (beyond basic math… I rock the shit out of basic math), but I am going to kick around a few ideas. I’ll pose some theories, and that is all they are, but these are the type of things I think about in my spare time.

There are two forms of time travel… into the future or the past. We all know that time travel into the future is very possible, and once we get away from rocket fuel technology and turn to better, more powerful and efficient forms of space travel (ion drives, matter-antimatter technology, things of this nature), sooner or later we will be able to travel forward in time. That’s pretty easy. Albert Einstein already gave us the formula for that. We simply need to travel at speeds close to that of light. I don’t have the numbers off top of my head and I’m not trying to be numerically accurate in this statement, since I’m not attempting to physically land a man on Pluto… just think of it like this.

You hop into your brand new sporty space craft, equipped with the latest technology, which allows you to travel at near light speeds. You decide to fly to Pluto, throw a little graffiti on the “has been” planet (perhaps to shame it for being demoted), and then return to Earth. Assuming you make this journey when Pluto and Earth are at their closest points, the round-trip would take you roughly about eight to nine hours, or a third of your 24 hour Earth day. I know there’s a calculation out there which would tell you exactly how much time would pass for everyone else on Earth, but I don’t know it (remember… I’m not an astrophysicist). Let’s just say that way more than eight hours went by on Earth; probably something closer from a couple of weeks to a month. That is time travel into the future. In fact… every time you fly in an airplane, you’re doing a very tiny form of time travel. This theory was proven in the Hafele and Keating Experiment.

There you have it… you’ve now traveled forward in time. Of course it doesn’t seem so exciting because the trip took 8 hours, and you only traveled a few weeks forward in time. What if you could travel hundreds or even thousands of years into the future, with out the possibility of return to your original time line? I’m not sure that the human brain would be able to adapt to a change that extreme, at least not for the long term. Your new “home” would be incredibly alien, you wouldn’t recognize anything, and if you happen to be over the age of 40, it’d be very hard to adapt. You would have to re-learn everything, just so you can fit in and be a functioning member of that society… but initially it would be very exciting.

Imagine what Earth might be like in the year 4012 A.D.? You probably can’t. I don’t think anyone could even come close to what life might be like that far into the future. There are too many variables, with scary thoughts like... - "You might land on an Earth that can no longer support carbon based life forms." -

Who knows… you might have jumped forward into a world that was recently nuked and completely void of any kind of life. Perhaps our ozone layer is gone and all life on Earth was radiated by the Sun. With the assumption that only forward time travel is possible, I would think that this sort of travel should be limited to small leaps… perhaps a few years at a time with vacation stops along the way, to allow the brain the chance to absorb its new surroundings. You might also want to get as much information about the goings-on on this new Earth, to see if your next jump forward might be into a hornet’s nest.

Don’t roll your eyes at me for giving you these warning. I know you know it all, but… it’s just how it is when you’re going into the “unknown” like the future. Don’t get mad at me… I’m not tellin’ you NOT to go, just be careful… is all I’m sayin’.

Time travel is a pretty crazy paradox if you think of it. Travel into the future is definitely possible, but much more dangerous because of the “unknown” factor. On the other hand, traveling back in time would be much safer, since we know our own history and the technological limits of that set time, but figuring out how to get there is nearly impossible. Simply put… to travel to the unknown is easy, but to travel to the known and recognizable is incredibly difficult, if not all together impossible, and here’s where I believe the problem lies.

Think of the universe as a clock and a living-map combination… literally. From our vantage point it appears as one enormous never ending time piece. Nothing with in our universe ever stays the same or in the same place. Perhaps it’s by design, to safeguard information, perhaps it’s simply by chance. I’m not here to debate that, but for the sake of this self-indulging conversation, do think of our universe as a clock/living-map combo.

Immediately after the Big Bang, the universe started to expand, and has been expanding faster and faster. From what I understand, the balance between “dark energy” and ‘dark matter” is mainly what’s responsible for this. Since there’s more dark energy in our universe than dark matter, our home universe continues to speed up in its expansion.

What does this mean? It simply means that like an explosion, everything is moving away from the center, where the Big Bang took place. Not only is everything being pushed away from the center, but the clumps of stars called galaxies are also moving. On top of that, every galaxy has a super massive black hole at its center, which… like a sun, forces all of its stars (a.k.a. suns) to orbit around its massive gravitational pull. Then you have the planets that form around and orbit their stars, and the moons that orbit these planets.

As you can see… everything in space is in constant motion. Moons orbiting their planets, which orbit their stars, which orbit their super massive black hole, which are moving away from the center of the universe, and sometimes collide with one another, to form larger galaxies. In fact… our galaxy (the Milky Way) is swallowing up two small galaxies as we speak.

This is where the problem of “traveling BACK in time” comes along. Let’s say that you want to go back in time and save Julius Caesar from being assassinated by the Senate on March 15th of 44 B.C. This problem leads me to believe that the term “time traveler” is inaccurate. I think it should be “space-time traveler” because in order to get to March 15th, 44 B.C., you’d have to know the exact location of the Earth on that particular day. In essence, you’d have to move everything in the universe (a.k.a. clock/living-map) back to exactly where it was on the day Caesar was assassinated in the Theater of Pompey. This is a HUGE order! Not only do you have to place Earth back in its time and space, but you have to arrange it so every galaxy, black hole, star, planet, moon, nebula, quasar, etc… is back exactly where it was on that “Ides of March” kinda day. Hmm… If perhaps a massive gravitational pull was created at that exact spot in space & time, and at the exact moment you could jump to that location with a faster than light technology… mmm… what? 2.1 gigawatts? Sorry… just kicking some ideas around.

Let’s assume that you are “DA MAAAAN!” and figure out how to travel into the past to save Julius Caesar, there’s still one giant hurdle to overcome.

According to many physicists, the numbers they’ve crunched shows that we don’t live in a universe. Well… we do… we live in OUR universe, but there’s a more recent theory called the “Multiverse” theory also known as M-theory. What this says is that we live in our little “universe bubble” and there are literally an infinite amount of these things out there. Some are very different from our own, meaning that they might not contain any life because the chemistry in their beginning wasn’t correct.

On the other hand, there are also an infinite amount of universes which are identical to ours, the only difference being that perhaps I never wrote this silly blog, or you never read it (you might be happy about that…) or your house is painted blue instead of yellow… whatever… tiny little differences. In fact, the difference might be so tiny that you wouldn’t even notice, because the only thing different is that some where in China, Lee-Chan-Ho was never born.

“Who” you ask?

Exactly! You’d never know the difference.

(By the way… just as a disclaimer… I mean no harm toward anyone who MIGHT have the name Lee-Chan-Ho. I hope this person exists and is prosperous in every universe. It’s just a name I pulled out of my ass, for the simple purpose of this debate the two halves of my brain are having, with my hands playing the role of court stenographer.)

It could very simply be true that even if you could figure out how to travel back in time, and actually move THIS universe back to the exact position where it was on the day Caesar died, you still won’t accomplish your mission, at least not from our point of view. It may be that the moment you leap back in time, you simply disappear from our universe and create an alternate version of this one, complete with the same history, but only up to the point of your arrival in Pompey. From that point on, you’d be creating an alternate time-line where you’ll saved Caesar, but as a result the 60 or so senators come after you and stab you to death!

Great… THAT was worth it!

This muliverse theory can also fix the “grandfather paradox”… you know the one… where you travel back in time and kill your grandfather and as a result you fade away and cease to exist. I don’t know why space-time travelers hate their grandfathers so much, but… since you didn’t actually go back into your original universe’s time-line, but rather created an alternate one, you can ease your worries and kill grandpa as brutally as you’d like. You won’t cease to exist. You didn’t kill your actual grandfather. Sure… the DNA matches and he’s as mean and cranky as ever… but it wasn’t him. It was an alternate reality’s version of him. The only thing that’ll happen to you is that you’ll likely live out the rest of your life on death row in that universe, unless you have a DeLorean that can hit 88 mph (don’t forget to have a fully charged flux-capacitor and 2.1 gigawatts of energy… VERY important!)

It seems to me that our universe has a lot of safe-guards built in. Perhaps quantum mechanics and general relativity are correct in that no information gets lost. Perhaps when you travel back in time, the best you can do is create an alternate universe, and as a result, finding your way back to this one is more improbable than solving the problem of backward time travel, itself.

Maybe… just maybe, backward time travel has already been invented, but scientists inadvertently keep creating alternate universes and aren’t aware of it. I can see it now… a bunch of scientists and explorers keep disappearing, one after another… like lemmings over the edge of a cliff. From their points of view, they’ve traveled back to our past. The only problem is that it’s not THIS universe’s past… but they can’t tell the difference, because Lee-Chan-Ho is in all of them… AND he’s PROSPEROUS!!

-  Yeeeeey for Lee-Chan-Ho! :)

                                                                                 - Attila

"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"

a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle