Attila Domos: Posted on Wednesday, March 07, 2012 6:58 PM

On February 23rd, Georgetown law student, Sandra Fluke, testified before an unofficial hearing convened by Democrats. She criticized the health insurance policies of Georgetown, a Jesuit university, saying the school's lack of contraception coverage has a harmful impact on female students. "I'm an American woman who uses contraceptives," she declared.
Well… as in his usual over the top way to make a point, on February 29th, Rush Limbaugh slammed Fluke on his show, claiming that she was asking the government to subsidize her sex life. "What does that make her?" he asked. "It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."
(The dates and quotes were taken from
This was typical Limbaugh rhetoric, on which he’d created an entire career! The man has made a living making mounds out of mole hills. He has the ability to take any situation, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant, and use it to create a divide between his supporters and his opposition, which usually is anyone with a moderate to liberal point of view.
Rush Limbaugh’s hypocrisy with the entire “do as I say, not as I do” garbage wore thin on me years ago. There was a time, in the early and mid 90’s when I listened to his show with regularity. In fact, I even read one of his books. That was a time before Rush, in my opinion, has gone completely off the deep end. His drug addiction and multiple failed marriages are well documented. We know, that he’s incredibly far from a perfect human being, no matter how much Rush seems to ignore the facts in his own life, but that doesn’t stop him from casting big-ass rocks from his glass house, which stands on rotted wood. In the past he’s often ranted against groups like Planned Parenthood, and personally called people junkies and drug addicts, etc…
Rush Limbaugh has a ton of character flaws, but for all of that, there’s no denying that he has a very successful radio show, because he’s got a gift for stirring up the hornet’s nest. From my point of view, Rush has gotten so “over-the-top”, that he’s just a mere shadow of the man whose radio show I used to listen to in the 90’s. His mouth has gotten louder, but unfortunately the words coming out are ramblings of an insane narcissist.
When I first heard about Rush’s comments regarding Fluke’s testimony, I simply shook my head. I understand what Limbaugh was trying to get at with his usual over the top examples, but there is a classier way to go about it. I couldn’t disagree more with what he said about Ms. Fluke and the way he went about doing it, but I get it. He’s a jack-ass, who found a way to make himself a center piece of the story, which isn’t about him! Now, instead of focusing on the issue, everyone’s talking about Rush Limbaugh and his insensitive comments.
Having said all of that, I could NOT get myself to sign’s petition, to have Rush Limbaugh removed from the air. THAT IS CENSORSHIP! If I would have signed that petition, I would have gone against every fiber of my core beliefs.
As an artist, “Freedom of Speech” to me is everything! It is as sacred as our rights get! We MUST do everything we can to protect everyone’s right to free speech in America, not just those with whom we agree.
I lived the first 10 years of my life in Romania, under the brutal dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu. It was a country where freedom of speech applied to only one man, Ceausescu himself. I remember when my parents had guests over, they had to turn on the record player, sit close to it and whisper ideas to one another, as to not be over heard by our next door neighbors, who were spies for the government.
When we remove anyone because we don't like what he/she said, we are slicing into our own rights and freedoms, one razor cut at a time.
Far be it from me to tell you what you should or should NOT do, but I would encourage all of you to NOT sign the petition, but instead don't listen to Rush's show. If he has no listener-ship, Clear Channel will remove him.
Remember... FREE SPEECH is here to protect the things we don't like or want to hear... not the things said which make us feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Censorship is a very slippery slope. Today… Limbaugh, at some point tomorrow… YOU!
- Attila
"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"
a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle