Attila Domos: Posted on Thursday, February 16, 2012 7:30 PM
I’m starting to think that the sentence “Be fruitful and multiply” was taken out of context by that ancient “Jewish liberal media”. After all, I believe a true wise god would likely have said something closer to this… “Be fruitful and multiply, my children… until you’re to the point where you’re starting to over populate your resources. At that point… USE A DAMNED RUBBER!”
The very first response I got was:
Kids are the future of our planet. We should not control the population. We should give parents incentives to have more babies at least here the USA
My response was simple… “WTF???”
It then turned into a giant debate about everything and everything else. It was like cats vs dogs. People were trying to equate using a rubber with the Chinese governments killing of women and children. Wow… some people’s grasp of reality is REALLY screwed up!
The planet Earth WILL be downsized, in one way or another. If you need evidence of that, see “China”. Population control there is not only a reality, but a necessary mandate by the government to help control a nation, that… over the centuries… multiplied like rabbits.
For those of you not familiar with the “Georgia Guidestones” (aka the Illuminati’s 10 Commandments), “commandment number 1 says:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
And the rest are also logical…
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
It’s hard for me to argue with these “10 guides”. I also don’t have any problems with the Earth’s population being downsized to 500 million. My problem is… how we are going to go about doing it.
There’s no denying the fact that the world’s population has gotten too big. You know things are bad, when we HAVE to genetically modify foods, so we can make enough to feed everyone.
Also… keep in mind that this is a GLOBAL problem, NOT a USA vs the world issue. What happens in China, affects what goes on in the U.S. and vice-versa. Look… if any of the global markets crash, every country is screwed. Like it or not, we ARE a global community. We are all humans, living on the same rock, which orbits the same Sun. These are all of the resources we have (for now) so we have to learn to share and help one another. Sticking one’s head in the sand and whistling “Dixie” isn’t going to make the problem go away.
Overpopulation affects everything, from food supplies to how quickly we suck oil out of the Earth. The more cars on the roads and homes to feed, the more oil is needed. The more oil is needed, the quicker we use up the “easy to drill” oil and then we turn to the “hard to get to” stuff, which makes the price of the crude gold sky rocket. More expensive oil means more expensive gas, which means more expensive food, clothing, shelter, etc… If the world is going to live like the U.S., well… something’s going to have to give. It CAN happen, but in order to do that, we have to bring the planet’s population down to much more manageable numbers.
People are also living much longer than in the past. There used to be a natural balance to things, when plagues, wars and the harshness of life killed most people by the time they reached their 30 birthday. That’s simply not the case anymore. Living to be 100 is not that big of a deal and will increasingly become more and more of the norm.
I guess what I’m trying to say in all of my rambling is that we, as the people of Earth, have to take reproduction into our own hands, before so called “shadowy elements” release some kind of a toxin, that will reach the same goal, but by killing YOUR children and/or grandchildren.
We’re no longer living in a society where people have to have more than two or three children. Once a husband and wife reached that limit, I would highly recommend using a condom, getting a vasectomy or birth control pill. Let’s bring the Earth’s population down to more reasonable numbers by education people about the eminent dangers of an overpopulated planet. Let’s do it under our own terms, before “Big Brother” steps in and mandates it (like in China) or the much worse option… the planet gets downsized due to a bio-engineered virus.
Mankind… the choice is yours.
- Attila
"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"
a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle