Attila Domos: Posted on Friday, July 19, 2013 4:15 AM

"What do you tell your children about what just happened, and what type of lesson could, perhaps even should, they learn from it." Below is (was) my response.
I would also teach him(them) about how the CIA was specially created NOT to serve and protect the American people but rather the world's elite and banking interest.
I would teach him(them) examples of how this so called US government has treated her less desirable citizens, like the native Americans and blacks by herding them into camps and/or ghettos, and giving them thing like syphilis, typhoid, alcohol, drugs, guns, cocaine, weed, LSD and every other destructive thing they could think of.
This same government who's supposedly "for the people" is also the one who made sure to give the blacks in the ghettos as much incentive as possible to stay there. Just enough "free stuff" so that they have something to lose. All the while they supply and encourage the black on black violence.
I would teach him(them) that as long as this same government controls the information (via the school system), things will never change. After all... I don't think there's a person still alive who believes that Lee Harvey Oswald was the one who killed JFK, an that James Earl Ray was the one who killed MLK jr. Yet... to this day they still teach these lies to our kids.
I would point out that our school system isn't designed to create thinkers, but rather "good test takers".
I would go on and show them that the national media is not here to "inform them", but rather to get them emotional and to sensationalize everything to the point where the viewers are literally being told how they should feel and react to any ridiculous news story they create. That's right... they no longer report the news, but instead create it.
I would teach and show them these things, so that they can see through the BS, and understand why the media shows what it does, but never mentions important things like "project 60".
While we the people are being fed false history and false dreams, the corporation does what ever it wants. After all... you, me and every other human being with a SS number don''t REALLY exist. We are merely a number with out any real rights. Slavery is alive and well in America, and even though THIS master only resides in about a 10 square mile area, THIS master's reach is far and wide.
I think though the most important thing I would teach him(them) is to think for themselves. Always question... "Why is the media showing me the same image over and over?" Yup son... think for yourself and never EVER stop asking "WHY?".
- Attila
The links I provided are meant to be a starting point. Look at them, but don't simply take my word on anything. Read other articles, get different points of view, and make your own determination as to what you believe is the truth or lie. We live in the age of information, and there's so much of it out there, that it can be very over whelming. Never EVER just take one person's opinion, and run with it as fact! And keep in mind that corporations, governments and even people in many cases put out misinformation, to confuse matters even more.
"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase YourDreams"
a book by: Attila Domos
Available at Amazon & Kindle