Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 3:08 PM
Assessment of Earth Humans through eyes of Knowledge Seeker Rai-meti...
I, Rai-meti, have spent my past 130 Dragsdu Sun-Circles on Planet 3 (local Earth). This planet has much water and an incredible amount of diversity in life forms. While having carefully studied the many Earth species, the humans are far and away the most technologically evolved. They are clearly the dominant creature of this planet. While there are many other species which are stronger, faster, bigger, more venomous and much more adapt for the hunt, the humans… through our genetic brain enhancements… have built weapons that no other creature on Earth can defend against. They have created incredible tools, not only for war, but also for science and comfort. Technologically, they have come a long way from the early apes we enhanced over 45,000 Sun-Circles ago.
Having said that… - … while humans have made great leaps in technology, their emotional and intellectual growth has been stunned. Mentally, they are not much more advanced than the ape-creatures we enhanced all those many Sun-Circles ago. Even since so much time, they are still ruled by their emotions. These newer version of ape-creatures (humans) are capable of great love, yet… they will kill in the name of that same great love. They are capable of compassion, reason and understanding, yet they choose to be ruled by fear, bigotry and tyranny. This species is very confused, and when the humans are confused, they will resort to violence rather than intellect. They prefer to not accept responsibility for their actions, but rather blame their problems on objects.
In their eyes, the problem is never with them. If there were no such thing as alcohol (a fluid substance which temporarily poisons their brain) and vehicles, there would be no alcohol related vehicular homicide. While this statement is technically accurate, it shifts blame from humans, to inanimate objects. This is how they reason, and instead of treating the problem itself (the humans), they create a long list of laws, which they claim are designed to deter human action.
They are still prone to petty emotions like hate and jealously. They will go through great lengths to conspire against one another, rather than to simply sit down and discuss their differences. They are reluctant to change. I will go a step further and say that many of them resent change. To deter change, they will kill their own… the ones with new ideas… especially those ideas which can benefit the entire species.
This emotional and immature thinking spills into every aspect of their lives. As I stated earlier, they will not seek truth in their own reflection, but rather point at the things which are around them as being the problem. They bicker back and forth about the need for more weapons laws, even though they already have thousands of them in their rules for living. When I personally examined the statistics of violent murders on this planet via ordinary kitchen utensils, it gave me a more accurate assessment of just how dysfunctional humans really are. They need to stop with the attempt to ban inanimate objects. They are just that... INANIMATE! While they do not (on their own) heal, they neither (on their own) kill. Having observed this species for as long as I have, I am only able to come to one conclusion.
HUMANS … do not only kill for survival... they kill for recreation, and any other reason they see fit.
HUMANS … are willing and often do kill over petty emotions.
HUMANS … will kill one another over physical possessions.
HUMANS … will freely enslave one another, if allowed to do so.
Serving intergalactic consciousness,
Knowledge Seeker Rai-meti
"Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase YourDreams"
a book by: Attila Domos
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